Monday, May 31, 2010

Gabby Answers K-9 Questions

Today's guest blogger is Hardt's Gold Gift of Gabb, better known as Gabby. Gabby has agreed to post a series of answers to some of the most often asked questions received by dogs around the world.

Dear Gabby,

Why do dogs circle around so many times before laying down?

Your BF,

Thanks for the question Dixie. Let me preface my answer by quoting an old dog folk rhyme.

Circle, circle, round and round

at least three times

before laying down.

Use your nose

to test the wind

Then snuggle down

with your best friend.

If no one's there

to share the night

Pray they'll come with

dawn's first light.

Unknown DOG

It seems that no one really knows the answer to that question not even us dogs. It is possible that the practice goes back to when we ran wild - before we were domesticated (civilized). In the wild it was necessary to circle around and tamp the grasses and vegetation down to make sure there were no snakes or enemies hiding there. It also gave us a chance to sniff out the area for the same reason.

Most of us don't like to lie on a flat surface so we work the spot up to make it more comfortable. Think of it this way, Dixie, it's a bedtime ritual like fluffing your pillow before you go to sleep.

Thanks for the cool question. Hope my answer helps.

And remember, don't bite your nails, you never know when you might need them.

Your BF,


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